
Volume 14

Soldier On: Arrivals and Departures!: Night and Day (254|25); The Day Clerk’s Tale (255|26); Papers, Please (256|27); Elephant vs. Elephant Man (257|28); Ring-Ring (258|29); Train Games (259|30)

Soldier On, Travelling Band…

…in Prokovia!: April Fool (260|31); Fashion Plates of ’88 (261|32)

…in Farsia!: Welcome to Farsia (262|33); Happy Wanderer (263|34)

…in Zanzamin!: Polish Remover (264|35); Hujambo! (265|36); Zanji Spirit (266|37); The Green Girl (267|38); Zanzamin Farewell, Part 1 (268|39) & Part 2 (269|40)

…on a Boat!: I Think We’re Alone Now (270|41); Forked (271|42)

Be Excellent to Each Other. Be Excellent to Our Universe.

They Can Be Wrong and So Can I. Pay Attention and THINK FOR YOURSELF.

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